Five Elements of Human Body
Everything in the universe consists of these elements representing in different degrees. These elements are comprehensively described as “Panchbhutas” in Sanskrit. As such, every living thing in the universe is built up of the five elements in different volumes in a balanced manner. The 5 elements monitor and control the metabolism on the body and decide the characteristics. Any imbalance will lead to health problems

Ether (Space)
Ether (space) is found everywhere. In our body the space attributes to blood vessels, tubes, openings like mouth, ears, nose, intestine etc. In short it is the space where electrons move. Ether also relates to various sounds emanating from the body like heart beat, breathing, intestinal tract functions etc.
Air (Vayu)
Vayu is in gaseous and mostly exists without physical form. Vayu is mobile and travels from one point to other locations. Vayu is light in nature and has free flow. Air is filled present in every empty space. Air can be sensed or felt. Oxygen in our body function is an example of vayu. It also corresponds breathing process.

Fire (Agni)
Agni represents Heat & Energy in our body. It forms part of the metabolic system where many chemical reactions take place. The process of Digestion takes place due to the influence of Agni. Agni is produced in the body as part of the metabolic effect. Agni is hot and light in nature.
Water (Jal)
In our body, the water element represents Liquid substance and fluids such as urine, blood plasma, lymph. Water has physical form, weight and the ability to flow. In our body, this water element is responsible for transporting oxygen to cells, supply nutrients to the cells, flush out waste material and toxins. Water/fluid forms about 50% of the body weight in a human being.

Earth (Prithvi)
Prithvi element associates to the solid form of our body part or organs. Earth has shape, weight, stability density and is visible. Body skeleton and bones, teeth, muscles, body fat are earth elements. Earth element brings stability to the body and mind.
The above five elements are maintained in a healthy body in particular ratio which influence the nature, health and healing power of a person.